Roller Hockey Terms

There are many Hockey terms which also used in Roller Hockey. This is a list of most common terms used in Hockey and Roller Hockey along with its definitions.

Roller Hockey Player playing in a roller rink.

Blue line- In NHL rink, there are two of these lines painted blue. They are situated on each side of the rink a brief distance from the red line. These blue lines indicate the entrance in to the offensive zone. For play to continue, Obviously, the team must be on-sides or prior to a player, the ball has to enter in to this zone.

Floating Blue Line- Due to size or flow of the game, in a lot of rinks, a floating line is utilized. When the attacking team enters the offensive zone correctly (on-sides), the defensive team has to clear the ball across the Red line or Center Line to clean the zone. This allows for a bigger offensive zone to pump up the scoring, to spread the players more and allow for a more free-flowing match.

Red Line-  This line is rink's center line which divide rink in half. This line has its name from it’s colour.

Icing Line- Icing line extends from each goal post to the side of the hockey rink. The opposing team cannot shoot the ball all the way behind the icing line from other side of the red line, if the league has an icing rules. This was made to keep play and force the groups to prevent a match of delay by shooting at the ball all the way across the other side of the racket in their side of this line. The referee blows the whistle if a group commits this violation of the rules along with a face-off happens from the offending teams' zone.  In case a team in killing a penalty, they're permitted to take The ball into the other side without a whistle.

Players playing on Roller Rink in Women European League Roller Hockey 2017

Off side and On side-  When entering the rival teams' zone, then the team has to be on-sides. That means that the ball has to enter the rival teams' zone prior to the attacking players. The referee stops play and a face-off happens just beyond this zone or from the point of the illegal pass if this is broken.


The Point- This is a reference to a participant who performs in one of the corner in power play to the team that is attacking. It is typically a defense player.


Clearing the zone -  This is a reference to a team which is currently attempting to take the ball out of the defensive zone.


Penalty -  A rules violation put the offending participant in the penalty box for a specified time which is usually 2 minutes, unless the opposing team scores prior to the end of the penalty time. If the opposing team scores prior to the expiry of the penalty time, the penalty time is wiped out from the penalized players and he is allowed back to the game.

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Penalty Time - Penalty time is a stop clock meaning that the penalty clock stops with any stoppage of play. This makes the penalty seem longer for the player particularly when the game clock continues to run through the penalty. Some leagues use a penalty period of 3 minutes running time significance the punishment timer doesn't stop to get a whistle.

Power Play In Roller Hockey in Women European League Roller Hockey 2017

Power Play - A power play when a team has an excess player on the ground because of a penalty to the rival team. This means that one team has 5 players to 4 on the other team in the match or 4 on 3 or 5 on 3 for that matter. In roller hockey, a team can't have less than 3 players on the rink at once.

Blue line, Floating Blue Line, Red Line, Icing Line, Off side and On side, The Point, Clearing the zone, Penalty, Penalty Time and Power Play can considered as some of the most commonly used Hockey and Roller Hockey Terms.

Roller Hockey Terms Roller Hockey Terms Reviewed by Admin on August 16, 2020 Rating: 5

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